
Otvorenie live účtu návod

Pre otvorenie účtu nás kontaktuje
Tel 0944 211 790

Prefix * zvolte Mr. Pán /Mrs pani

First Name * meno

Last Name * priezvisko

eMail Address * email

Verify eMail Address * zopakujte email

Please enter your Introducing Broker details je predvyplnené
if applicable

Choose an Account Type * zvolte individual

Commission * 50 EUR

IB Added Spread * 1 pips

Expected Investment Amount * 1500 prvá
investovaná suma uvadza sa v usd no nepisat usd tu na menu vašho učtu
sa prerata automaticky

Please Select Your Platform * Turbo meta

Leverage * 1:200

Lot Size * 10 000 velkost lotu

Order type : Market order

Security Code * opište kod obrazka a dajte

  • Step

  • Step

  • Step

  • Step

  • Step 5

Personal Information

Date of Birth * datum narodenia zvolte v tvare den,mesiac rok


Marital Status * Married/single
ženatý sám

Number of Dependants * Počet závislých
osôbo do vás detí

Do you have a criminal record? * máte
záznam v trestnom registri ?


Primary Contact Number *

hlavne tel. číslo

Work Phone Number tel. do

Mobile Phone Number číáslo na
mobil, ak mate len 1 číslo všade to isté

Street Name *

House / Building Name & Number *
číslo domu


City / Town *

krajna – to isté ako štát

Post Code
poštové smerovacie číslo

ID Type *
state id -občiansky

ID Number *
číslo občianskeho

Country *
krajna štát

Alternative eMail Address

alternativny mejl nepovinné iba ak máte iný mejl ako prvý uvedený a
chcete uviesť

Alt. email is optional; however, in order to ensure proper
delivery of all correspondence, it would be beneficial.


  • Step 2

  • Step

  • Step

  • Step 5


Employment Status * zamestnanecký
status employed zamestanec ak zvolite zamestnanec zobrazi sa

Busines Sector : napr. trade/obchod

Corporate Name meno zamestnavatela

Years There kolko rokov tu pracujete

Occupation * vzdelanie napr high
school medicine stredna škola

Financial and Trading Information

Will this account be traded by anyone
other than you? * Bude tento účet obchodovaný niekým iným než vami ?
Ak ano kým

Yes standartne zvolte No ak obchodujete len sami.

If yes, who? Iba
ak bude obchodovaný niekým iným meno firmy inak prazdne

yes please click here and fill in the form)

Will you be using Scalping
strategies? * či budete použivať skalping Nie – pozn. nie je


Will you be using Expert Adviser
Trading? * Expertnych poradcov ano môžete použivať


Are you the debtor in a pending
bankruptcy? * či ste dlžník alebo čakateľ na bankrot


Do you accept the Electronic Trading
Terms? * či akceptujete elektornicke obchodne podmienky treba
akceptovať yes


Electronic Trading Terms

Trading on an electronic trading
system may vary widely among different electronic systems. Each
system may present risks related to system access, including
failure of hardware and software. In the case of internet based
systems, there may be additional types of risks related to system
access, varying response times and security as well as risks
related to service providers and the receipt and monitoring of
electronic mail. The result of any system failure may be that your
order is either not executed according to your instructions or not
executed at all. Since The Company does not control signal power,
its reception or routing via internet, configuration of your
equipment or reliability of its connection, The Company cannot be
responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays when
you trade online over the internet. The Company shall not be liable
for any losses, costs or damages incurred by customer arising out
of any access by customer to The Company ’s electronic
trading system or from any failure of the system, internet access,
communications lines or other cause beyond its control, or from any
resultant failure to execute, process or report trades. Customer is
also responsible for safeguarding passwords and understands the
risks associated with the transmission of information by use of the
internet and hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The
Company from and against all losses, claims expenses, costs,
damages, fines or liabilities whatsoever suffered by The Company
(including, without limitation, legal costs and expenses) arising
out of the use of the online trading system by customer, its
employees, agents or contractors. The Company shall only be liable
for its actions directly attributable to negligence, wilful default
or fraud on the part of The Company. The Company shall not be
liable for losses arising from the default of any agent or any
other party used by The Company under this agreement. The service
is provided "as is" and we make no express or implied
representations or warranties to you regarding the usability,
condition or operation thereof we make no representations or
warranties regarding the goods or services provided by any third
parties who may provide content or offer other services. We do not
warrant that access to or use of the service will be uninterrupted
or error free, or that the service will meet any particular
criteria of performance or quality. We expressly disclaim all
implied warranties, including without limitation warranties of
merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose,
non-infringement, compatibility, security or accuracy. You agree
that under no circumstances, including negligence, shall we or
anyone else involved in creating, producing, delivering or managing
the service be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special
or consequential damages that result from the use of or inability
to use the service, or out of any breach of any warranty,
including, without limitation, those for business interruption or
loss of profits. This exclusion or limitation of liability will not
apply to the extent that any applicable statute prohibits such
exclusion or limitation of liability. Any liability arising out of
any action or omission by us shall be limited to an amount equal to
the amount of user fees paid to us by you for service access. You
expressly agree that your use of the service is at your sole risk.
You assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from use
of or materials obtained through, the service. Neither we nor any
of our directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors,
affiliates, third party vendors, facilities, information providers,
licensors, exchanges, clearing organizations or other suppliers
providing data, information, or services (each a "provider"),
warrant that the service will be uninterrupted or error free; nor
do we or they make any warranty as to the results that may be
obtained from the use of the service or as to the timeliness,
sequence, accuracy, completeness, reliability or content of any
information, service, or transaction provided through the service.
This agreement defines your sole and exclusive remedy.

quotes and misquotes policy:

The Company’s quoted
prices may on rare occasions become “stale” or
“skewed”. The Company reserves the right to cancel
orders executed on idle or skewed prices. The Company will actively
monitor/report and investigate such trading activity and in the
event that trades are being cancelled will notify the client
accordingly. The Company will pursue the fair treatment of its
Customers and will use its best endeavours to make sure
cancellations are performed fairly and that the client is not
disadvantaged by the cancellation i.e. no inadvertent positions are
left open and the client’s net position is in line with the
client’s positions at the time of correction.

Scalping and
EAs policy:

In order to ensure the stability of the The
Company platforms and Products, Scalping strategies (we define
"Scalping" as a method traders use where they open and
close trades within 120 seconds, and these Scalping trades
constitute more than 25% of total trades) and EA strategies (an
"EA" is an "Expert Advisor", which is add-on
software linked to a Meta Trader currency platform, and allows for
automatic trades under certain conditions) are allowed on special
accounts only. In order to make Scalping/EA trading available
clients have to submit a request and acknowledge that they will
confirm in advance that they wish to use scalping/EA during account
opening or before starting to implement such a strategy. The
Company reserves the right to reverse orders that are executed
using Scalping/EA methods on accounts that are not labelled as
Scalping/EA accounts or where the necessary advance confirmation
has not been given. The Company will pursue the fair treatment of
its Customers and will use its best endeavours to make sure
cancellations are performed fairly and that the client is not
disadvantaged by the cancellation i.e. no inadvertent positions are
left open and the client’s net position is in line with the
client’s positions at the time of correction.

Note: Please read the Electronic Trading Terms carefully. By
clicking “I ACCEPT” you are fully bound with all the
terms of the documents referred to above.

Trading Experience

Annual Income * čistý ročný príjem
napr 10-25 tis.

Net Worth * hodnota celého majetku
spolu / vyššia ako čisty ročny prijem

Approximate Risk Capital * približný
risk kapital napr. 10000

Liquid Net Worth spenažitelný
majetok v hotovosti,akciach,dlhopisoch

Cash *


Stocks *


Bond *


Trading Experience skusenosti v
obchodovani napriklad forex a komodity 1 rok

Securities/Stocks * 1

Options * 1

Commodities * 1

Forex * 1

Futures * 1

Bank Information

Bank Name

nazov banky

Bank Address

adresa hlavnej pobočky alebo vašej pobočky

IBAN or Account Number čislo učtu v
medzinarodnom iban tvare banky píášu na kartičke alebo vam povedia
po telefone


svift kod vašj banky povie vaša banka po tel. napr.

Klik na proceed

Strana 3

  • Step 3

  • Step

  • Step 5


Client Agreement *

No, I Don’t Accept
Yes, I Accept

Electronic Trading Disclosure *

No, I Don’t Accept
Yes, I Accept

Klik na accept a potom proceed


To complete your application, we require copies of the following
documents :

• Proof of ID (national ID card, drivers license, etc.)

Pre dokončenie otvorenia účtu treba sken občianskeho obojstranne
ak ste zadali ako doklad op, iba v pripade že ste zadali pas sken 2
strany pasu s fotografiou.

Skenovane dokumenty fo formate pdf zvolte cestu kde su

Ak doklad teraz nemožete oskenovať nemate pri sebe alebo nemate
skener pošlite mejlom na addurl9 zavinac gmail bodka com

Akonahle vam pride na mejl meno a heslo k učtu tak učet mate
otvoreny a môžete urobiť vklad kartou.pre prijatie platby je
potrebne poslať sken id dokumentu tj. Napr občianskeho.

Ak by bola treba asistencia pri otvoreni účtu volajte 0944211790


Note: Please note that under no circumstances will we make or
receive payment(s) via a third party.



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